Palindrome number:
A number is said to palindrome if the digits of the number is reversed and it still remain the same.
- Digits from $0$ to $9$ are all palindrome
- $11$, $22$, $33$, $44$, $121$, $383$, $12321$, etc.
- Start the program
- Input a number to check palindrome or not
- Initialize the remainder variable to $0$
- Divide the input number by $10$ and store its remainder on a variable
- Store the quotient on the palindrome variable.
- Reverse the number and compare with the original input number
- If the reversed number is equivalent to original then it is palindrome otherwise not palindrome.
#include"iostream" using namespace std; int main() { int palindrome, reverse=0; cout<<"Enter a number: "; cin>>palindrome; int num=0,key=palindrome; for(int i=1; palindrome!=0; i++) { num = palindrome % 10; palindrome=palindrome / 10; reverse=num+(reverse*10); } if(reverse==key) { cout<<key<<" is a Palindrome number"; } else { cout<<key<<" is not a Palindrome Number"; } return 0; }
INPUT : Enter a number: $135$
OUTPUT: $135$ is not a Palindrome Number
INPUT : Enter a number: $52325$
OUTPUT: $52325$ is a Palindrome Number
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